Update July 16th:
Good news! The tumor has been successfully removed! This week the prostheses also got adjusted a little to help the leaking through my nose stop...

imagine the hole in my head where this thing fits...
Yesterday the stitches got removed and all seems to be going well.
It will take about one year to see what they will do about the little hole to the nose cavity and in the mean time periodic checks to see if the tumor is not returning (though this was a benign ameloblastoma you never know) In the mean time this seems to be the first day shit isn't leaking from my nose all the time wooohooo!
For those who like to know, the procedure which took place is called a Hemimaxillectomy, while searching the net i came across this cool Carcass sounding title haha ("Maxillary obturator prosthesis rehabilitation following maxillectomy for ameloblastoma"). Then again, every medical term sounds like it's a Carcass track...
Picture from today:

On the outside you can't even see I've had surgery...
Howdy Folks,
Update July 5th:
Soooooo, the day after surgery they already send me home to enjoy what feels like a sledgehammer to the face, baby food for a week or so and an extra easy exit for fluids through my nose... damn! (I'm also hoping to get some feeling back in my upper lip but that can take some time they say.. yikes)

Within a week or two we'll know if the tumor has been successfully removed (they removed about 2 cm in height of my jaw from tooth element 23 until 28) and in the next couple of weeks 'll be getting different "klos prostheses" adjustments to help fill the gap (there is a little hole to my nose cavity now). After about 3 months they will look for what will become the definitive prostheses.
Hopefully i'll be back doing vocal shit for Skullhog as of next year. (sorry for having to cancel the one show we planned this year at Baroeg with Hemdale but we might have a surprise show next year at the "Grindhoven" Fest to make up for it!). In the mean time we should be recording some Skullhog tracks for the split with Violation Wound (Hell Yeah!) in the next couple of months.

Picture 1: Tooth elements (28 had already been pulled last April, leading to the discovery of the tumor) they removed jaw section from element 23 till 27)
Picture 2: Before surgery
Picture 3: After surgery
Picture 4: Euh.. big hole where my jaw and teeth used to be.. (as you can see part of my palate is missing now as well.. kinda freaky man.. speaking without prostheses is almost impossible now)
Picture 5: Prostheses clamps holding the damn thing in place, the little iron things you see in my gums have been removed (they fixed the prostheses this way in surgery and with these in place the prostheses could not be removed).
Thanks again for all wishes etc, especially to those who took the effort of actually sending me a postcard! (Ron and Gerard "Stonehenge", Rompeprop, Collision, Roel and V.I.C. Records, Krik and family, Dorus and Ingrid, Danny + Marielle and Johnny, Roy and Helga, Jaro (ex-Dead Infection) and Ako).
BeugelBoys Loek and Rob wanted to torture me more by bringing beer of course but i'll be enjoying that soon again.. i hope.. aarrrgggghhhh, also thanks to Wally, Dorus, Zeele and Tonk for coming to visit...
On the Inhume front we've had just one reaction from a drummer so far so don't be afraid.. if you're into old school blasting get in touch a.s.a.p.! Let the search for Hollands next Grind Drummer commence! Kiiieeeeejaaaaayyyyyy
Oh.. sucks i won't be going to the Dynamo Metal Fest as well (lucky bastard who's got my ticket now) ...